Monthly Archives: October 2014

Thai Language Adjective Structure Feature Image eThaier

Using Adjective In Thai Language

Using adjective in Thai language can be a little bit tricky as it’s the opposite of using it in English. Last week, I mentioned about the confusion that some people think a Thai sentence is a backward English sentence in the article “Thai Language Structure.” But using adjective is totally backward from English. And Here […]

Basic Sentence Structure Of Thai Language

When teaching Thai language to new students, one of the most frequently asked questions is “Is Thai sentence backward from English?” The answer is “No, Thai language is not backward from English, indeed, it’s even easier than English and probably every language in the world. What does Thai language’s sentence structure look like? The basic […]

Thai Language Sentence Structure With Question Words eThaier

Thai Language Tones | Learn To Speak Thai With eThaier Starts With The Good Tone Pronunciation

Learn To Pronounce 5 Tones Of Thai Language

For foreigners who learn Thai language, this tonal language can be challenging for English and European language speakers because once you change the tone, the meaning of the Thai word changes as well. On that note, Thai tones are very important for people who learn to speak Thai correctly. Thai language has a total of […]